C Programs

Chapter 1 : Basic C Programs

No Programs
1 Print Hello Word
2 Declaring Variable and Printing its Value

Chapter 2 : Area Programs

No Programs
1 C Program to Calculate Area and Circumference of Circle
2 C Program to Calculate Area of Scalene Triangle
3 C Program to Calculate Area of Equilatral Triangle
4 C Program to Calculate Area of Right angle Triangle
5 C Program to Calculate Area of Circle
6 C Program to Calculate Area of Rectangle
7 C Program to Calculate Area of Square
8 C Program to Calculate Area of Circle using Pointer

Chapter 3 : Mathematical Programs

No Programs
1 Compute sum of the array elements using pointers !
2 Find exponent Power Series !!
3 Read the values of x y and z and print the results expressions in one line.
4 Reads customer number and power consumed and prints amount to be paid
5 Find greatest in 3 numbers
6 Calculate gross salary of a person.
7 Reverse a given number !
8 Calculate sum of 5 subjects and Find percentage
9 Convert temperature from degree centigrade to Fahrenheit
10 Find the simple interest
11 Find area and circumference of circle
12 Find sum of two numbers
13 Solve Second Order Quadratic Equation
14 Find Factorial of Number Using Recursion
15 Find Factorial of Number without using function
16 Print table of n and square of n using pow()

Chapter 4 : Number Programs in C Programming

No Programs
1 Calender Program in C Programming Language : Display Day of the month
2 Find greatest in 3 numbers
3 Reverse a given number !
4 Swap of two no’s without using third variable
5 Calculate sum of 5 subjects and find percentage
6 Find sum of two numbers
7 Generate the Fibonacci Series starting from any two numbers
8 Print First 10 Natural Numbers
9 Find Factorial of Number Using Recursion
10 Check Whether Given Number is Palindrome or Not ????
11 Check Whether Number is Prime or not
12 Check for Armstrong Number in C
13 Check Whether Number is Perfect Or Not
14 Print All ASCII Value Table in C Programming
15 Find Factorial of Number without using function

Chapter 5 : 1-D Array Programs

No Programs
1 C Program to implement Stack Operations Using Array
2 C Program to read integers into an array and reversing them using pointers
3 C Program to delete duplicate elements in an array
4 C Program to calculate Addition of All Elements in Array
5 C program to find Smallest Element in Array in C Programming
6 C Program to find Largest Element in Array in C Programming
7 C Program to reversing an Array Elements in C Programming
8 Merging of Two arrays in C Programming
9 Searching element in array
10 copy all elements of an array into another array in C
11 Program Insert element in an Array
12 Program for deletion of an element from the specified location from Array
13 Printing Array Elements in C Language
14 C Program : Reading Array Elements
15 One Dimensional Array All Programs

2-D Array Programs : C Programming

No Programs
1 C Program to Check whether Matrix is Magic Square or Not ?
2 C Program to Print Square of Each Element of 2D Array Matrix
3 Program to find Transpose of Given Square Matrix
4 C Program to find addition of Lower Triangular Elements in C Programming
5 C program to calculate sum of Upper Triangular Elements in C
6 C Program to evaluate Subtraction of two matrices ( matrix ) in C
7 C program for addition of two matrices in C
8 Addition of Diagonal Elements in Matrix
9 Addition of All Elements in Matrix
10 Accessing 2-D Array Elements In C Programming
11 C Program to Find Inverse Of 3 x 3 Matrix in 10 Lines
12 C Program to Multiply Two 3 X 3 Matrices

Algorithms Programs : C Programming

No Programs
1 C Progran to Implement N Queen’s Problem using Backtracking
2 C Program to implement prims algorithm using greedy method
3 Program to implement knapsack problem using greedy method

Command Line Arguments Programs : C Programming

No Programs
1 How to print all Arguments passed using Command Line in C !

Conversion Programs : C Programming

No Programs
1 C Program to convert temperature from degree centigrade to Fahrenheit
2 Decimal to Binary using Bitwise and operator
3 Program to Convert Binary to Decimal number:Number System
4 Program for Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion in C >> Number System
5 Program for Decimal number to Octal Conversion : Number System
6 Program to Convert Decimal number into Binary : Number System :

Dos Programs : C Programming

No Programs
1 How to print all Arguments passed using Command Line in C !
2 C Program to Add two numbers using Command Line Arguments Parameters

Expressions Programs : C Programming

No Programs
1 C Program to demonstrates binary expressions using floating-point arithmetic
2 C Program to demonstrates binary expressions using interger arithmetic !

File Handling Programs : C Programming

No Programs
1 C program to copy the contents of one file into another using fputc
2 C Program to read last n characters from the file !
3 C program to convert the file contents in Upper-case & Write Contents in a output file
4 C Program to Compare two text/data files in C Programming
5 C Program to Write on Data File and Read From Data File
6 C Program to Copy Text From One File to Other File
7 How to display same source code as output in c programming?

Electrical Programs : C Programming

No Programs
1 C Programs Electrical Circuit Formulae Varification
2 C Program To find equivalent capacitance of parallel combination of capacitive circuit
3 C Program To find equivalent capacitance of series combination of capacitive circuit
4 Program To find equivalent resistance of Parallel combination of resistive circuits
5 Program To find equivalent resistance of series combination of resistive circuits

Graphics Programs : C Programming

No Programs
1 Drawing Line in Graphics Mode : Line Function
2 C Program to draw Inductive Coil using Graphical Function
3 C Program to Draw Resistance using Graphics Function
4 C Program to Draw PNP Transistor using Graphics Function
5 C Program to Draw Eclipse using Graphics Function
6 C Program to Draw NPN Transistor using Graphics Function
7 C Program to Draw Capacitor using Graphics Function
8 C Program to Draw a Triangle using Graphics Function
9 Printing Text in Graphics Using Outtextxy Function
10 First Turbo Graphics Program in C Language
11 C Program to draw Op-amp Symbol Using Graphics Function
12 C Program to display mouse pointer in textmode
13 C Program to check if mouse support is available or not.
14 Drawing Circle in Graphics Mode : Circle Function >> Graphics.h
Mouse Programs : C Programming
No Programs
1 C Program to display mouse pointer in textmode
2 C Program to check if mouse support is available or not.

Pointer Programs : C Programming

No Programs
1 C Program to Swap Two Numbers / Variables using Pointer109">C Program to Print Value and Address of Variable of Pointer
2 C Program to perform Stack Operations Using Pointer !
3 C Program to compute sum of the array elements using pointers !
4 C Program to count number of words digits and vowels using pointers in C Programming
5 C Program to Find Length of the String using Pointer
6 C Program to read integers into an array and reversing them using pointers
7 C Program to Add Two Numbers Using Pointer !
8 C Program to Calculate Size of Pointer in C Programming
9 Pointer Program : Difference between two float Pointers
10 Pointer Program : Difference between two integer Pointers
11 Pointer Program : Increment Structure Pointer having far pointer as structure member
12 Pointer Program : Incrementing Array of Float Pointer
13 Pointer Program : Incrementing Double Pointer
14 Pointer Program : Increment Integer Pointer
15 Pointer Program : Declaring Pointer
16 Pointer Program : Address operator in C
17 C Program to calculate Area of Circle using Pointer
18 C program to Accessing Value from Address using Pointer
19 C Program to Access Address of Variable using Pointer

Pyramid Programs : C Programming

No Programs
1 Pyramid Program in C Programming – Mirror Image of Right Angled Triangle666">How to write c program to print FLOYD’S triangle in C Programming ?
2 Number Pyramid Pattern in C Programming
3 Program Even Number Pyramid in C
4 Print prime number Pyramid in C
5 Print the Rectangle using Line and Special Symbols
6 Number Pyramid in C Programming
7 Program to Print Largest Number Pyramid
8 Program to Print the Double Pyramid Pattern
9 Program to Print Pyramid of Multiplication Tables
10 Program to print 1-10 Numbers in Pyramid fashion
11 C Program to Print Inverted Pyramid
12 Print the Pattern of Binary Numbers (Pyramid)
13 Program to Print this Right angled Pyramid in C using Nested Loops in C
14 Index : Pyramid Programs in C Programming

Recursive Programs : C Programming

No Programs
1 C Program to print Fibonacci Series using recursion !!662">C Program to Multiply two Matrices using Recursion !!
2 C Program to calculate sum of numbers 1 to N using recursion
3 Find Sum of Digits of the Number using Recursive Function in C Programming
4 C Program to print Tower of Hanoi using recursion !!
5 Find Factorial of Number Using Recursion

C Programs : Series

No Programs
1 C Program to find exponent Power Series !!

C Programs : Sizeof Operator

No Programs
1 C Program to Calculate Size of Structure using Sizeof Operator
2 Pointer Program : Size of Pointer to Structure
3 Pointer Program : Size of Integer Far Pointer
4 Pointer Program : Size of Float Pointer
5 Pointer Program : Size of Character Pointer
6 Pointer Program : Size of Integer Pointer

C Programs : Sorting

No Programs
1 C Program to sort array of Structure in C Programming
2 C Program for sorting the list of Strings
3 C Program to Implement Bubble Sort in C Programming
4 Sorting Two Structures on the basis of any structure element and Display Information
5 Program to Implement Insertion Sort in C Programming

C Programs : Stack

No Programs
1 C Program to perform Stack Operations Using Pointer !
2 C Program to implement Stack Operations Using Array
3 C Program to Implement Stack Operations using Singly Linked List

C Programs : String Operations With using Library Function

No Programs
1 C Program to Sort set of strings in alphabetical order using strcmp()
2 C Program to Convert String to Integer !!
3 Program to convert String into Uppercase Using Library Function
4 Program to convert String into Lowercase Using Library Function
5 Program to copy one string into other with using library function [ strcpy ]
6 Program to Concat Two Strings with using Library Function : Strcat
7 Find Length of String Using Library Function

C Programs : String Operations Without using Library Function

No Programs
1 C Program to count number of words digits and vowels using pointers in C Programming
2 C Program for sorting the list of Strings
3 C Program to Find Length of the String using Pointer
4 Write a C Program to Reverse Letter in Each Word of the Entered String
5 C Program to Encode a String and Display Encoded String !
6 C program to Delete all occurrences of Character from the String.
7 C Program to Concat Two Strings without Using Library Function
8 C Program to Find Substring Of String Without Using Library Function !!!
9 C Program : Reverse String Without Using Library Function [ Strrev ]
10 C Program to Compare Two Strings Without Using Library Function [Strcmp]
11 C Program to Copy One String into Other Without Using Library Function.
12 Check Whether Character is Lowercase or Not without using Library Function
13 Check Whether Character is Uppercase or Not without using Library function
14 C Program to Count number of Uppercase and Lowercase Letters
15 Search occurrence of Character in String :
16 With using User-defined Function Write a Program to Find Length of String
17 Program to Find Length of String Without using Library Function

C Programs : Structure Concept

No Programs
1 C Program to read and print name and other details of 50 students using Structure?
2 C Program to sort array of Structure in C Programming
3 C program to use structure within union & display the contents of structure elements
4 C Program to Calculate Size of Structure using Sizeof Operator
5 Sorting Two Structures on the basis of any structure element and Display Information

C Programs : Typical Programs

No Programs
1 Calender Program in C Programming Language : Display Day of the month
2 C Program to show swap of two no’s without using third variable
3 How to write c program to count number of digits in number without using mod operator ?
4 How to Input Password in C : Validation of User name
5 How to write inline assembly language code inside C Program ?
6 Accept Paragraph using scanf in C
7 Print Hello word without using semicolon in C
8 Nested Printf statements : Example 2
9 Printf inside printf in C : Example 1
10 C program to add reversed number with Original Number ?
11 C program to reverse the digits of a number ? [ In 3 Steps ]
12 How to Add Digits of the Number Using Single Statement ?
13 Swap two numbers without using third variable and using XOR Operator in C Programming
14 How to Add two numbers without using arithmetic Operators in C Programming ?
15 How to Create Your Own Header File in C Programming ?
16 How to write C Program Without using Main Function (in 3 ways) ?
17 Swap / Interchange two variables [numbers] without using Third Variable
18 How do i Return Multiple Values From a Function ?
19 C Program to Create directory in C using Interrupts.
20 How to use Interrupts in C Programming ?
21 How to print 1-10 numbers without using Conditional Loop in C Programming ?

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